10 March 2015

BROSTRÖM al Workshop conclusivo del progetto CONTAIN

BROSTRÖM participated to the final assessment workshop of CONTAIN, held in Bologna on the 5th and 6th of March. 

(CON)tainer securi(T)y (A)dvanced (I)nformation (N)etworking (CONTAIN) is an EU funded project, among the main partners there are the Italian Customs Agency and many important stakeholders, active in the containerized logistic sector. The goal of the project is to create tools and methods that can be adopted to increase the security in container transportation through integration of container security data in a Common Information Distribution and Sharing environment for both Container Security Risk Management Decision Support Services and Transport Decision Support System, involving Real-time route monitoring and optimisation.

The project main result is a comprehensive toolset – involving newly developed physical devices and risk analysis tools - interlinked with the CONTAIN software platform, whose functionalities have been tested and showcased in the EAST WEST MED Demonstrator context.

This final event included two half days to present a study centred in the Bologna freight village and involving Sogemar as intermodal operator (now branded as Hannibal Spa) and Contship terminals in La Spezia (LSCT) and Ravenna (TCR) plus.

The purpose of the workshop was to provide subject matter expertise as an important part of the final assessment, complementing the technical evaluation of the demonstrated systems. Participants were asked to assess the relevance, suitability and potential of specific CONTAIN solutions, and to discuss CONTAIN capabilities in more general terms.

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