23 January 2017

TCR: continua ad offrire soluzioni “One Stop”

TCR Ravenna, the Broström Tankers AB Adriatic gateway, continues in 2017 to provide integrated services to its valued customers, consolidating a reputation of “special port for special products”.


Latest evidence is the handling of 50 containers used for the transportation of coils inbound from China. Soon after being discharged from m/v B.F. Catania, the heavy containers were promptly processed to allow the steel goods to be made available for delivery by truck to a major steel works plant close-by the province of Ravenna.

“The containers – comments Luca Guerrini (TCR Customer Service) – were transported to the CFS internal “Global Service” warehouse upon unloading from the ship. Here, un-stuffing operations took place, performed by specialized staff who then re-loaded each single coil (20 Tons of weight each) onto trucks for final delivery. Prior to being un-stuffed, all containers underwent radiometric controls, necessary to certify their conformity and safety for subsequent handling; this scanning operation also took place within TCR premises”.

Once more Terminal Container Ravenna proved its capability of providing a “One Stop Solution” – a combination of various activities carried out in synergy, all performed within the same terminal area.


TCR one stop shop solutions


TCR has been able to optimize unloading, radiometric inspection and un-stuffing activities, minimizing handling efforts and time spent to complete all operations. The positive outcome also stems from the collaboration with the local Radiometric Office and careful planning of deliveries with the cargo receiver.

“TCR – Luca continues – was able to complete the delivery of all coils within a few days from their arrival, safeguarding a tight schedule, while at the same time containing the overall costs of the operation, for which no intermediate transport and handling were required.”

A fruitful contribution to the efficiency of the supply chain of its valued customers: TCR ensured effective handling of a category of goods for which prompt delivery is an essential requisite, given its high value and importance within the production line.




Click on the image to read TCR Booklet

Booklet cover



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