24 November 2016

Proseguono i lavori di installazione delle 3 nuove RMG presso il TCR – Terminal Container Ravenna

The assembly of the three new RMG (Rail Mounted Gantry) cranes continues as scheduled at TCR, Contship Italia Adriatic gateway. 


The three cranes have been recently erected; now it’s time for the electric cabling and the installation of all the auxiliary components. The goal is to complete all assembly works before Christmas holidays, and then proceed with the tests and the start of operations of the new equipment.

The purchase of these three new Liebherr cranes is part of a larger programmed investment for the renewal of TCR yard equipment, for a total commitment of 24 million Euros, which also includes:

  • The completion of the reconstruction of the RMG’s rail track
  • The decommissioning of the two actual RMGs and the revamping of a third one
  • The transfer of the revamped crane to the trains loading area, doubling the productive capacity dedicated to rail volumes


“Until now” – commented Romano Magnani (TCR Technical Director) – “we’ve been able to carry out the works avoiding any consequence on the Terminal commercial operations, ensuring the upkeep of TCR service standards to our clients. This was possible thanks to the constant commitment of our staff and the teamwork with the supplier’s technicians, who developed together with us a plan characterized by “zero impact” on terminal activities.”

The new cranes have been built following the most advanced standards in the industry, both from the technical and the perfomance point of view, improving the ergonomics for drivers, the handling performance and the stacking capacity, as shown by the following technical data table.



One of the features of the new yard cranes is the capability to enable the handling of non-containerized goods up to 65 tons, as well as traditional containers. This will allow TCR to handle a wide array of “heavy lift” goods, providing customers with the opportunity to perform stuffing/unstuffing operations of special cargo directly within Terminal premises. TCR confirms once again its role of “special port for special products”.

Contship Adriatic gateway in Ravenna continues its performances upgrade program, with the goal to best address all the needs of its clients, contributing to speeding up their supply chain.

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